Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine Review

Imagine waking up in the morning to the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee, perfectly tailored to your taste. With the Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, this can become a reality. This exceptional coffee machine offers 21 pre-set coffee specialties prepared according to original recipes, as well as the ability to customize your coffee further with the Melitta Connect App. It can even save the preferences of up to 8 people, ensuring that each cup is truly personalized. With its sleek design and intuitive touch display, the Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is not only a convenient addition to your kitchen, but also a gateway to an exceptional coffee experience.

Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black

Click to view the Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black.

Why Consider This Product?

If you’re a coffee lover looking for a top-of-the-line coffee machine that delivers exceptional taste and a personalized experience, then the Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is the perfect choice for you. With its advanced features and intuitive design, this coffee machine will revolutionize your morning routine and elevate your coffee experience to new heights.

User-friendly Design

One of the standout features of the Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is its user-friendly design. With a touch display that allows you to easily select the type of coffee, the amount of coffee, and even the temperature of the water, the machine provides you with complete control over your coffee brewing process. Whether you prefer a strong espresso or a creamy cappuccino, this machine will deliver the perfect cup every time.

Customization Options

With 21 pre-set coffee specialties and the ability to customize your coffee through the Melitta Connect App, the Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine allows you to indulge in your favorite coffee creations. The My Coffee Memory feature saves the preferences of up to 8 people, ensuring that everyone in your household can enjoy their preferred cup of coffee without any manual adjustments. It’s like having your own personal barista at home!

Exceptional Taste

The Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is not just about convenience and customization; it’s also about delivering exceptional taste. Thanks to the Best Aroma System Plus and the Intense Aroma feature, you can enjoy genuine fresh coffee enjoyment cup after cup. The machine’s 2 airtight grain compartments and ground coffee chute ensure that your coffee is always fresh and flavourful, while the 5 settings for coffee strength allow you to adjust the flavour to your liking.

Features and Benefits

Automatic Bean Select

With the Automatic Bean Select feature, the Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine takes the guesswork out of choosing the right type of coffee beans. The machine has an automated grain type selection that intelligently adjusts the grinder settings based on the beans you’ve chosen. This ensures that you always get the perfect grind for your coffee, resulting in a rich and aromatic brew.

Double-cup Mode

If you’re hosting a get-together or simply want to enjoy a cup of coffee with your partner, the double-cup mode of the Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is a convenient feature. It allows you to simultaneously brew two cups of coffee, saving you time and ensuring that both cups are brewed to perfection.

Easy Cleaning and Maintenance

The Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine comes with a welcome pack cleaning kit, making it easy to keep your machine in pristine condition. The removable brewing unit is dishwasher safe, making clean-up a breeze. Additionally, the machine has automatic cleaning and descaling functions, ensuring that your coffee always tastes its best.

Personalized Coffee Selections

With the Melitta Connect App, you can take customization to the next level. The app allows you to create and save your own coffee recipes, giving you complete control over the flavor and strength of your brew. You can also adjust the temperature of the water, milk, and foam, ensuring that your coffee is tailored to your exact preferences.

See the Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black in detail.

Product Quality

Melitta is a renowned brand known for its commitment to quality and innovation in the coffee industry. The Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is no exception, incorporating cutting-edge technology and premium materials to deliver a superior coffee experience. From the durable construction to the precision brewing system, every aspect of this coffee machine has been designed with quality in mind.

What It’s Used For

Café-style Coffee at Home

The Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is perfect for those who want to enjoy delicious, café-style coffee in the comfort of their own home. Whether you’re an espresso aficionado or a latte lover, this machine can prepare a wide range of coffee specialties to satisfy your cravings.

Customized Coffee Creations

The machine allows you to unleash your inner barista and experiment with different coffee recipes. By using the Melitta Connect App, you can create your own personalized coffee creations and save them for future use. With this level of customization, every cup of coffee is a unique and delightful experience.

Convenient Hot Water Preparation

In addition to its coffee-making capabilities, the Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine also has a separate hot water preparation function. This makes it ideal for those who enjoy a cup of tea or other hot beverages alongside their coffee. You can easily switch between brewing coffee and preparing hot water with just a touch of a button.

Easy to Use and Maintain

The Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is designed to be simple and intuitive, even for those who are new to coffee making. The touch display and automatic selection features make it easy to navigate and create your desired coffee. Plus, with its automated cleaning and descaling functions, maintenance is hassle-free and ensures that your machine continues to deliver optimal performance.

Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black

Product Specifications

Specification Details
Power 1450 W
Water Tank Capacity 1.8 liters
Color Black
Coffee Specialties 21 pre-set options
Customization Melitta Connect App allows for personalized coffee preferences
Classic Specialties Espresso, Café Crème, Cappuccino, Latte macchiato
Coffee Strength 5 settings
Double-cup Mode Yes
Cleaning Automatic cleaning and descaling
Warranty Check with the manufacturer for details

Who Needs This

The Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is perfect for coffee enthusiasts who value convenience, customization, and exceptional taste. Whether you’re a busy professional looking for a quick and easy way to make your morning coffee or a coffee connoisseur who enjoys experimenting with different flavors, this machine has something to offer.

Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black

Pros and Cons


  • Advanced customization options for personalized coffee creations
  • User-friendly design with a touch display for easy selection
  • Exceptional taste thanks to the Best Aroma System Plus and Intense Aroma feature
  • Easy to clean and maintain, with automatic cleaning and descaling functions
  • Double-cup mode for simultaneous brewing
  • Melitta Connect App for further customization and control


  • Higher price point compared to basic coffee machines
  • The app-dependent customization may not be suitable for those who prefer manual control
  • Large size may take up significant counter space in smaller kitchens


  1. Can I make different types of coffee with this machine? Yes, the Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine offers 21 pre-set coffee specialties, including espresso, café crème, cappuccino, and latte macchiato. You can also customize your coffee using the Melitta Connect App.
  2. Can I save my preferred coffee settings for future use? Absolutely! The My Coffee Memory feature of the Melitta Connect App allows you to save the preferences of up to 8 people, so everyone in your household can enjoy their preferred cup of coffee with just a touch.
  3. Is the machine easy to clean? Yes, the machine comes with an automatic cleaning and descaling function, making maintenance a breeze. The removable brewing unit is dishwasher safe, and the machine also includes a welcome pack cleaning kit for your convenience.
  4. Can I make hot water for tea with this machine? Yes, the Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine has a separate hot water preparation function, making it perfect for tea lovers or for preparing other hot beverages.

Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black

What Customers Are Saying

Customers rave about the Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, praising its user-friendly design, customization options, and exceptional taste. Many appreciate the convenience of the Melitta Connect App, which allows them to create their own personalized coffee creations. They also highlight the machine’s ease of cleaning and maintenance. Overall, customers find great value in the quality and functionality of this coffee machine.

Overall Value

The Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is a premium coffee machine that offers exceptional taste, customization options, and ease of use. While it may have a higher price point compared to basic coffee machines, its advanced features and superior quality justify the investment for coffee lovers who value convenience, flavor, and personalization. With the ability to create your own unique coffee recipes and save preferences for multiple users, this machine delivers an unparalleled coffee experience.

Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

  • Experiment with different coffee beans and grind settings to find your preferred flavor profile.
  • Clean the machine regularly to ensure optimal performance and flavor.
  • Use fresh, high-quality coffee beans for the best taste.
  • Utilize the Melitta Connect App to create and save your own coffee recipes.
  • Take advantage of the double-cup mode for simultaneous brewing.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is a state-of-the-art coffee machine that brings convenience and customization to your kitchen countertop. With its user-friendly design, advanced features, and exceptional taste, this machine is a coffee lover’s dream. From the touch display to the Melitta Connect App, every aspect of this machine has been designed to deliver the perfect cup of coffee, customized to your preferences.

Final Recommendation

If you’re ready to elevate your coffee experience and enjoy café-style coffee in the comfort of your own home, the Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine is the perfect choice for you. With its array of features, customization options, and exceptional taste, this machine is worth every penny. Say goodbye to bland, generic coffee and say hello to the ultimate coffee experience with the Melitta Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine.

Learn more about the Melitta F85/0-102 Barista TS Smart Coffee Machine, 1450 W, 1.8 liters, Black here.

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