How Much Do Smart Thermostats Cost?

Ever wondered about the price tag on those sleek and innovative smart thermostats? It’s no secret that these devices have been gaining popularity in recent years, but how much do they really cost? From top-of-the-line models loaded with cutting-edge features to more budget-friendly options, the wide range of smart thermostats available on the market means there’s something for everyone. In this article, we’ll explore the various price points of smart thermostats, helping you navigate the options and find the perfect fit for your home without breaking the bank.

Factors Affecting Smart Thermostat Costs

When it comes to the cost of a smart thermostat, there are several factors to consider. These factors can vary depending on the brand and model of the thermostat, as well as the features it offers, the installation process, and its compatibility with your existing HVAC system.


The brand of a smart thermostat can have a significant impact on its price. Certain brands, such as Nest, Ecobee, Honeywell, Emerson, and Hive, are well-known for their quality and innovation in the smart thermostat market. These reputable brands often come with a higher price tag compared to lesser-known brands. However, it’s important to note that the higher price may also reflect the superior quality and reliability of these brands.


The range of features offered by a smart thermostat will also affect its cost. Basic models may offer simple temperature control and scheduling capabilities, while more advanced models can provide additional features such as learning capabilities, occupancy detection, humidity control, and energy monitoring. The more features a smart thermostat has, the higher the price is likely to be.


The installation process of a smart thermostat can be a significant factor in the overall cost. Some smart thermostats can be easily installed by homeowners themselves, saving them the cost of professional installation. However, if you’re not comfortable with electrical work or don’t have the necessary tools and knowledge, hiring a professional to install the thermostat may be necessary and will add to the overall cost.


It’s essential to consider the compatibility of a smart thermostat with your existing HVAC system. Not all smart thermostats work with every type of heating and cooling system. Some thermostats are designed specifically for certain systems, such as single-stage or multi-stage heating and cooling systems, heat pumps, or boilers. If your HVAC system requires additional wiring or modifications for the smart thermostat to work correctly, it may incur extra costs.

Price Range

Smart thermostats come in various price ranges to suit different budgets and preferences. Understanding the different price ranges can help you make an informed decision when purchasing a smart thermostat.

Low-end Smart Thermostats

Low-end smart thermostats typically range from $50 to $100. These thermostats often offer basic temperature control and scheduling features, but they may lack more advanced capabilities such as learning capabilities or remote access. Despite their limitations, low-end smart thermostats can still provide energy-saving benefits and convenience compared to traditional thermostats.

Mid-range Smart Thermostats

Mid-range smart thermostats usually fall within the $100 to $250 price range. These thermostats often come with a more extensive range of features, such as learning capabilities, occupancy detection, humidity control, and compatibility with smart home integration. Mid-range smart thermostats offer a balance between affordability and enhanced functionality.

High-end Smart Thermostats

High-end smart thermostats can cost anywhere from $250 to $500 or more. These thermostats not only offer advanced features but also come with superior design and build quality. High-end models may include features such as voice control, energy monitoring, and seamless integration with other smart home devices. The higher price reflects the premium quality and cutting-edge technology that these thermostats provide.

smart thermostats

Specific Smart Thermostat Costs

To give you a better understanding of the price range for specific smart thermostats, let’s take a closer look at some popular models:

Nest Learning Thermostat

The Nest Learning Thermostat is one of the most well-known smart thermostat models on the market. It typically falls in the mid to high-end price range, ranging from $200 to $300. The Nest Learning Thermostat offers learning capabilities, auto-schedule, and remote access through the Nest app. With its sleek design and compatibility with various HVAC systems, it has become a popular choice among homeowners.

Ecobee SmartThermostat

The Ecobee SmartThermostat is another highly regarded smart thermostat. It is priced similarly to the Nest Learning Thermostat, ranging from $200 to $250. The Ecobee SmartThermostat offers features such as room sensors for enhanced energy efficiency, voice control compatibility with popular smart home assistants, and a sleek touchscreen display. It is known for its user-friendly interface and advanced remote monitoring capabilities.

Honeywell Home T9

The Honeywell Home T9 is a mid-range smart thermostat, typically priced between $150 and $200. It features a room sensor for improved comfort control and occupancy detection. The Honeywell Home T9 offers geofencing capabilities, allowing it to automatically adjust the temperature based on your location. With its straightforward installation process and compatibility with multiple smart home platforms, it offers great value for its price.

Emerson Sensi Touch

The Emerson Sensi Touch is another mid-range smart thermostat, usually priced between $150 and $200. It features a vibrant touchscreen display and offers extensive compatibility with various HVAC systems. The Emerson Sensi Touch provides comprehensive scheduling and energy-saving features, along with easy integration with popular smart home assistants.

Hive Heating and Cooling Smart Thermostat

The Hive Heating and Cooling Smart Thermostat is a low to mid-range option, typically priced between $100 and $150. It offers basic temperature control and scheduling features and is known for its user-friendly mobile app. The Hive thermostat is compatible with both heating and cooling systems, making it versatile for different HVAC setups.

Additional Costs

In addition to the initial purchase price of a smart thermostat, there are a few other costs to consider.


If you opt for professional installation, you’ll need to budget for the installation fees. Professional installation costs can range from $50 to $200, depending on factors such as the complexity of the installation and the location of your thermostat.


Some smart thermostats may require additional accessories for optimum performance. For example, if you want to take advantage of room sensors for multi-room temperature control, you may need to purchase these sensors separately. Additionally, if your HVAC system requires additional wiring or modifications for compatibility, the cost of these accessories should be considered.

Energy Monitoring

Certain smart thermostats offer energy monitoring features to help you track and optimize your energy consumption. These features can provide valuable insights into your energy usage and help identify potential savings. However, it’s essential to note that some smart thermostats may require a monthly or annual subscription fee to access advanced energy monitoring features. Be sure to factor in any subscription costs when considering the overall cost of a smart thermostat.

Benefits of Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats offer a range of benefits beyond traditional thermostats. Let’s explore some of the advantages they provide:

Energy Savings

One of the primary benefits of smart thermostats is their ability to save energy and reduce utility bills. By learning your behavior and adjusting the temperature based on occupancy and preferences, smart thermostats can optimize your heating and cooling settings. Some models even offer energy monitoring features, providing you with valuable insights into your energy usage and opportunities for further savings.

Convenience and Comfort

Smart thermostats offer convenience and comfort by allowing you to control your home’s temperature from anywhere using your smartphone or a smart home assistant. Whether you’re lounging on the couch or away from home, you can easily adjust the temperature to your desired settings. Many smart thermostats also offer advanced scheduling options, ensuring optimal comfort throughout the day without manual adjustments.

Remote Access

Gone are the days of coming home to a cold or sweltering house. With remote access capabilities, you can adjust the temperature before you arrive, ensuring a comfortable environment when you step through the door. Remote access also allows you to monitor and adjust your thermostat while you’re away, giving you peace of mind and helping to save energy by avoiding unnecessary heating or cooling.

Smart Home Integration

Smart thermostats can seamlessly integrate with other smart home devices and platforms. Integration with popular assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple HomeKit allows for voice control and additional automation possibilities. For example, you can create routines that adjust the temperature, turn on lights, and lock doors simultaneously, enhancing the overall smart home experience.

Comparison with Traditional Thermostats

When comparing smart thermostats to traditional thermostats, there are several key differences to consider.

Cost Comparison

Traditional thermostats are generally more affordable, with basic models starting as low as $20 to $30. However, they lack the advanced features and capabilities of smart thermostats. While smart thermostats may require a higher upfront investment, their energy-saving features and long-term cost savings can offset the initial cost over time.

Features Comparison

Smart thermostats offer a wide range of features not found in traditional thermostats. Learning capabilities, occupancy detection, geofencing, and remote access are just a few examples of the advanced features that smart thermostats provide. Traditional thermostats typically only offer basic temperature control and scheduling.

Efficiency Comparison

Smart thermostats are designed to optimize energy usage and improve efficiency. They can learn your preferences and adjust the temperature accordingly, helping to reduce energy waste. Traditional thermostats rely on manual adjustments, which can result in unnecessary heating or cooling, leading to higher energy consumption and costs.

Considerations Before Buying

Before purchasing a smart thermostat, there are several considerations to keep in mind:


Determine your budget based on your price range preferences and the features you desire. Consider not only the initial cost but also any additional costs such as installation fees and accessories.

Compatibility with HVAC System

Ensure that the smart thermostat you choose is compatible with your specific HVAC system. Check the compatibility specifications of the thermostat and consult with a professional if you’re uncertain. Incompatibility may require additional wiring or modifications, which can increase the overall cost.

Features Required

Identify the features that are most important to you. Consider whether you need learning capabilities, energy monitoring, voice control, or smart home integration. Understanding your desired features will help narrow down your options and find a smart thermostat that meets your needs.

Ease of Installation

Consider whether you’re comfortable with the installation process and decide whether you’ll opt for self-installation or professional installation. Some smart thermostats may require professional installation to ensure proper functionality and compatibility.

Smart Home Integration

If you already have smart home devices or plan to add them in the future, ensure that the smart thermostat you choose is compatible with your existing or planned devices. Integration with popular smart home platforms and assistants will allow for enhanced automation and convenience.

Popular Smart Thermostat Brands

Several brands have established themselves as leaders in the smart thermostat market. Here are some of the most popular brands to consider:


Nest is a well-known brand that offers a range of smart home products, including thermostats. Nest thermostats are known for their sleek design, learning capabilities, and compatibility with various HVAC systems. The Nest Learning Thermostat and Nest Thermostat E are popular options from this brand.


Ecobee is another reputable brand that specializes in smart thermostats. Ecobee thermostats are known for their room sensors, energy-saving features, and compatibility with smart home assistants like Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit. The Ecobee SmartThermostat and Ecobee3 Lite are popular choices from this brand.


Honeywell has been a trusted name in the HVAC industry for decades, and they also offer a range of smart thermostats. Honeywell thermostats are known for their reliability, user-friendly interfaces, and compatibility with popular smart home platforms. The Honeywell Home T9 and Honeywell Home T6 Pro are popular options from this brand.


Emerson provides a range of smart thermostats that combine functionality with affordability. Emerson thermostats are known for their compatibility with a wide range of HVAC systems and their straightforward installation process. The Emerson Sensi Touch and Emerson Sensi Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat are popular choices from this brand.


Hive is a brand that offers a range of smart home devices, including thermostats. Hive thermostats are known for their simplicity, affordability, and compatibility with both heating and cooling systems. The Hive Heating and Cooling Smart Thermostat is a popular option from this brand.

Installation Options

When it comes to installing a smart thermostat, you have two main options:


Many smart thermostats are designed to be user-friendly and can be installed by homeowners themselves. Installation typically involves turning off the power, removing the existing thermostat, and following the provided instructions to connect the wires and mount the new thermostat. Self-installation can be a cost-effective option, but it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper installation and functionality.

Professional Installation

If you’re not comfortable with electrical work or if your HVAC system requires additional wiring or modifications, professional installation is recommended. Hiring a professional to install your smart thermostat will ensure that it is correctly connected and compatible with your HVAC system. Professional installation may incur additional costs, but it provides peace of mind knowing that the thermostat is installed correctly.

Government Rebates and Incentives

In some areas, there may be government rebates and incentives available for installing a smart thermostat. These incentives aim to promote energy efficiency and reduce overall energy consumption. Check with your local utility company or government entities to see if there are any rebates or tax credits available for installing a smart thermostat. Taking advantage of these programs can help offset the initial cost of purchasing and installing a smart thermostat.


Smart thermostats offer a range of benefits, from energy savings and convenience to remote access and smart home integration. The cost of a smart thermostat can vary depending on factors such as the brand, features, installation process, and compatibility with your HVAC system. While there may be an initial investment, the long-term energy savings and enhanced comfort can make smart thermostats a worthwhile investment. Consider your budget, desired features, and compatibility requirements before purchasing a smart thermostat. Whether you opt for a low-end, mid-range, or high-end model, a smart thermostat can bring energy efficiency and convenience to your home while reducing your carbon footprint.